Precalculus I

Fall 1997 -- Dr. Duval

Other resources

Syllabus Supplement

Most of the information you need for the course can be found in the main syllabus for the whole course, or the project manual available for purchase at the Library Copy Center. Here are the details particular to this section.

Instructor: Dr. Art Duval

Please feel free to come by any time during scheduled office hours. You are welcome to come at other times, but in that case you might want to make an appointment, just to make sure that I will be there then. You can make an appointment simply by talking to me before or after class, by calling me at my office or at home, or sending e-mail.

The other 4109 instructors and facilitators are also available to help you; their office hours are on a separate handout.


Homework (1/3):
Homework will be assigned most class days and will generally be due two class periods later (with exceptions as announced in class). Homework is due at the beginning of class. Late homeworks will NOT be accepted, but I will drop the lowest score.

You can find all the homework and reading assignments for the time period by clicking here.

Exit Exam (2/3):
The exit exam covers all the material from this time period. Make-up exams are very hard to schedule, and should be avoided at all costs. If you miss the exam, you will fail this part.
For this time period, there is no group project. However, most class time will be spent working in groups. It is to your advantage, then, to develop a good working group. Groups should consist of 3-4 people.