“Cantor’s Coat”

Words & music copyright 1998, 2008 Lawrence Mark Lesser; all rights reserved

In his coat,      

Cantor kept a note                  

his father wrote
Urging him          

that faith within                

will sustain him.

He picked his path--    

 the freedom of math--      

but met with wrath
For counting infinities       

real as the Trinity,     

uncountably vast.

Cantor believed his math fit God’s plan,
But his mentor said, “God made whole numbers, the rest is by man!”

So his mentor withdrew,      

said “Your renegade view       

corrupts the youth!”
Kept from his goal,           

Cantor searched his soul          

to fit part to whole.

“Father, do I hear cries of Galileo?
For this fight, was I right  to give up the violin?”

Some say he went mad        

from the quest he had--          

more than just sad.
Against his will,                     

sanitorium swill:                 

his heart went still.


In his coat,          

they found a note                   

his father wrote.