% my_circle.m % Purpose of my_circle.m: This script plots points describing a % a circle of a given radius. % The output is saved in the eps file my_circle.eps % Author : Unknown, 18th February 2015. % Variable List : % r = Radius of the circle. % x, y = Cartesian points on the circle. % theta = Vector of angles. clear all ; % clear the workspace. clc ; % clear the command window. N = 100; % Number of points. r =input('Enter the radius of the circle: '); theta = linspace(0, 2*pi , N); x = r*cos(theta) ; y = r*sin(theta) ; plot(x, y, '-*r') ; xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); title('Points on a circle'); print('-depsc',['my_circle','.eps']);