To log onto from your Linux home: > ssh -l cps00x Make sure that /shared/mpi/bin is in your PATH (can add in .bash_profile). To compile a Fortran program example.f with MPI calls: >mpif90 -o example.exe -I /shared/mpi/include -L /shared/mpi/lib example.f To run example.exe interactively (on 2 processors): >time mpirun -np 2 example.exe The script "compgo" will compile, link, and run. To compile example.f and run on 2 processors: >compgo example 2 To run example.exe in batch mode: > bsub < bsub_job where batch file bsub_job may look like this: ----------- #BSUB -n 2 #BSUB -W 10:00 #BSUB -q medium_priority #BSUB -o /home/cps00x/output.txt #BSUB -e /home/cps00x/output.txt cd /home/cps00x time mpirun -np 2 example.exe ---------- Output will be in file output.txt. To monitor your batch jobs: > bjobs