
The registration deadline is February 6, 2015.

Please register, and if applicable, send your abstract for presentation before this deadline.

The registration fee is $ 35.00 for students or faculty, payable in advance, before February 20, 2015.

If not paid by this date, registration will be canceled. For students coming in group with their mentors, we prefer to send a group invoice to their institutions, and get paid directly by their institutions before the deadline of February 20, 2015.

For students or faculty who would like to register individually and pay their own registration fees, please mail a check by the amount of the registration fee, payable to "The University of Texas at El Paso, c/o Math. Dept.", before the deadline of February 20, 2015, to the following address: The University of Texas at El Paso, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Attn: Maria Salayandia, 500 West University Ave., El Paso, TX 79968-0514.

Registration Form - SUnMaRC 2015

Registration Has Closed.

Please fill in all fields marked with a *

First Name *

Last Name *

Email *

School *

Status *

Gender         Ethnicity

Menu Preference         T-Shirt Size

For Student Participants Only

Faculty Mentor

Faculty Mentor Email


Which equipment will you need? (Check all that apply; presentation rooms are equipped with white board or chalkboard, a computer, a computer projector, and connections for a laptop.)

Computer Projector
Overhead Projector
Document Camera
My Own Laptop

Willing to Present as Poster if Session is Full

Presentation Title

5-digit 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
(Find the MSC at this AMS site )
