Research Activites

Useful Links:

  • Installing cygwin
  • Linux commands
  • Tutorials on c++
  • Links to freely available C++ books
  • Homeworks Posted

  • Homeworks List
  • For Homework 10, you will need guide_hwk_10.cpp
  • Instructions to submit and an error checklist
  • Final Course Project Posted !

  • Project Descriptions
  • Project Instructions
  • Project sample code
  • Final Course Project Dates

    1. 20th November Pawel Masior
    2. 2nd December Fatemeh Ameri and Bethuel Khamala
    3. 4th December Pema Wangchuk
    4. 4th December Mohammad Tauhiduzzaman
    5. 4th December Julio Solis
    6. 4th December Arturo Ortega

    Math 5370: "Transitioning to C++ for Scientific Computations"

  • Meeting Times: Tu-Th 6:00pm-7:30pm, MNRS 300
  • Office Hours: Thursday 4:00pm-6:00pm, or by appointment.
  • Teaching Assistant: Leonardo "Octavio" Lerma lolerma@miners.utep.edu CCSB 2.0108 Tuesday 4:45-5:45pm
  • TextBook: Absolute C ++ 9th Edition, by Walter Savitch, Addison- Wesley.
  • This course serves as an introduction to object oriented programming and aims at developing the programming skills of students enabling them to successfully run numerical experiments for mathematical models.


    Topic for the week
    Codes for the week
    Assignments for the week
    25th-29th August Installing cygwin and my first c++ program. Program to return the square of an integer.
    1st-5th September
    Addressing cygwin installation issues and more on c++
    Tuesday code
    Thursday code
    8th-12th September
    variable types and while loop
    Program to return the finite sum of a series due on 16th September.
    15th -19th September
    while loop, for loop and operators
    Code for while loop
    Code for binomial coeff.
    increment code
    if loop code
    if-else if loop code
    Program to verify the binomial theorem
    homework on root finding.
    22nd -26th September
    introduction to multidimensional arrays
    code for introducing vectors
    code for introducing matrix
    Thursday code for product of two matrices.
    Thursday code for computing the determinant of two matrices.
    Program to perform operations with arrays.
    29th September-3rd October
    More on multidimensional arrays
    code for the outer product of two vectors
    code for calculating the trace of a matrix
    code for calculating the transpose of a matrix.
    Thursday code !
    Outline of the code for calculating the Frobenius inner product of two matrices.
    6th-10th October
    Introduction to pointers
    Use of rand() the random numbers generator
    Frobenuis Product code completed!
    Introductory Pointer code
    THURSDAY! Introductory Pointer code pt.1
    Introductory Pointer code pt.2
    Introductory Pointer code pt.3
    Introductory Pointer code pt.4
    Pointers code from class today
    13th-17th October
    Input-Output to file and Structures
    Introduction to input output to a file.
    Use of strings.
    Introduction to structures.
    In-class assignments are included in the codes for this week.
    20th-24th October
    T.A. Octavio took care of the class.
    27th-31st October
    Structures for Mathematical entities and pointers to two dimensional arrays
    More on Structures
    Pointers to two dimensional arrays.
    Class Assignment (and homework 11 intialization)
    Homework 12 initialization
    3rd-7th November
    Introduction to headers
    Modified cpp file on polynomial class
    Corresponding header file.
    Writing a class of points living on a 2D plane.
    Corresponding header file.
    10th-14th November
    Math modeling
    Math Modeling code
    Corresponding description.
    Initializing the data
    Input data for constructing the RHS
    17th-21st November
    Discussion of projects and class presentation and some helpful topics
    How to read data from a file and convert strings to numbers.
    More on matrices as a double pointer.
    Set precision on output.
    24th-28th November
    Convert a string to double
    Read from a file
    How to have a return to the menu code

    Practical Sessions

    During the practical session, the students volunteer to demonstrate how to code the assigned problem. Below you will find the students and their codes posted for the benefit of the entire class. Please use these to understand the logic of code but write your own !
    Practical Session topic
    Anastasia Kellogg
    Program to return the square of an integer.
    Program with the point class.
    Pawel Masior
    Sum of the series
    Fatemeh Ameri
    factorial program
    Bethuel Khamala
    Binomial coefficients program
    Julio Solis
    Root finding for a linear equation program
    Pema Wangchuk
    Solving a system of linear equations program
    Arturo Ortega
    Computing the outer product of two vectors of arbitrary size.
    Mohammad Tauhiduzzaman
    Computing the outer product of two vectors of arbitrary size.